A new wave of young talent is making its mark in skilled trades.
Josh Richard is a 20-year-old welder that was first exposed to the craft…
A new wave of young talent is making its mark in skilled trades.
Josh Richard is a 20-year-old welder that was first exposed to the craft…
NTI Boilers Inc., a leader in premium, high-efficiency heating solutions for residential and commercial applications, has a rich history rooted in…
From left to right: Sandy Ross, President & CEO, YSJ; Yani Gagnon, Executive VP, CFO, Pascan; Julian Roberts, President & CEO,…
For more than four decades, Housing Alternatives has been a cornerstone in the Saint John Region, quietly impacting residents by providing more…
Acre Architects’ Bold Vision and Award-Winning Designs
Monica Adair and Stephen Kopp are fueled by a passion for…
A Saint John-based tech company has raised more than $12 million CAD and is an industry leader for artificial intelligence (AI) security.
A local researcher and academic along with his team - Dalhousie Cardiac Research Excellence Wave have been awarded a…
Dmytro Makarov and his wife Olga moved to the Saint John Region six years ago from the Ukraine, after visiting the area and exploring where they…
La région de Saint John est située sur le territoire traditionnel des nations Wolastoqiyik, Mi'Kmaq et Peskotomuhkati. Ce territoire est couvert par des traités de paix et d'amitié conclus avec la Couronne britannique dans les années 1700. Ces traités reconnaissaient le rôle important et significatif des Wolastoqiyik, des Mi'Kmaq et des Peskotomuhkati dans cette province et dans le pays, et visaient à établir une relation de confiance et d'amitié.
Envision Saint John : L'organisme de croissance régionale respecte les anciens, passés et présents, et les descendants de ce territoire, et s'engage à poursuivre sur la voie de la vérité, de la collaboration et de la réconciliation.