No Wrong Door for Newcomers
As the Saint John Region continues to grow and welcome newcomers, settlement agencies that…
As the Saint John Region continues to grow and welcome newcomers, settlement agencies that…
If you hear the name Vito’s many things come to mind. You may have a sudden desire for their signature pizza or family…
Forty years ago, in 1982, Beth Hatt moved to Saint John from Fredericton. One of the first things she did to explore her new home was a city tour…
What does fifteen years of friendship, endless memorable nights filled with music, and a passion for the arts scene bring to life? For Abigail…
Picking up your life and moving to a new country with young children is not an easy task – but according to Melissa Villarreal settling into…
There has been a huge growth in enrolment numbers for the Anglophone South School District.
Unofficial enrolment numbers were presented at…
The inaugural Fundy Sea Shanty Festival took over the village of St. Martins this past summer, attracting nearly 1,000 attendees and volunteers –…
Three of the province’s three largest economic development agencies – Envision Saint John: The Regional Growth Agency, Ignite Fredericton and 3+…
With over $500 million invested in recent years from the private sector, government, and the Port itself, Port Saint John is starting to feel the…
La région de Saint John est située sur le territoire traditionnel des nations Wolastoqiyik, Mi'Kmaq et Peskotomuhkati. Ce territoire est couvert par des traités de paix et d'amitié conclus avec la Couronne britannique dans les années 1700. Ces traités reconnaissaient le rôle important et significatif des Wolastoqiyik, des Mi'Kmaq et des Peskotomuhkati dans cette province et dans le pays, et visaient à établir une relation de confiance et d'amitié.
Envision Saint John : L'organisme de croissance régionale respecte les anciens, passés et présents, et les descendants de ce territoire, et s'engage à poursuivre sur la voie de la vérité, de la collaboration et de la réconciliation.