First International School in Atlantic Canada – Lycée Français Chooses Saint John, New Brunswick

January 16, 2023
SAINT JOHN: Envision Saint John: The Regional Growth Agency is pleased to announce that Saint John has been selected as home to the Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques, an education institute part of the Don Bosco international campus. The international school will be located in Market Square and is set to open its doors to students in September 2024 and is open for registration immediately.
The Lycée International is a global francophone not-for-profit private school model that facilitates international exchanges for students from Europe, Africa and around the globe to study abroad. The Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques will serve international and local students from kindergarten to grade 12 and will be part of a large network of schools around the world.
“The Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques perfectly aligns with our region’s 10-year outcomes,” explains Paulette Hicks, CEO of Envision Saint John: The Regional Growth Agency. “Not only will people be moving to New Brunswick and the Saint John Region from all over the world – but our academic cluster is expanding along with our talent pipeline.”
The Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques will be established in Market Square, a signature landmark building in uptown Saint John operated by Hardman Group.
“This unique opportunity aligns with the commercial real estate reimagine strategy that is required in today’s environment,” says Hicks. “Don Bosco was looking for their first Atlantic Canadian campus, and in the spirit of Saint John firsts, we teamed up with the City of Saint John to pitch ‘Why Saint John’ and are thrilled with today’s announcement.”
The announcement was made by Mr. Sylvain Olivier, CEO of the Lycée international français dans les Provinces atlantiques (LIFPA).
“Our establishment, which will welcome children from 3 to 17 years old, will offer the National Education program of France. As an international establishment, its strength lies in its network, since Don Bosco establishments are present in more than 37 countries,” says Sylvain Olivier. “It will educate Canadian, Anglophone and Francophone children, children of foreign nationalities whose families live in Saint John or the surrounding area who will very quickly seek to learn French and English, children of French expatriate families, but also more than 110 young French people who will come each year to learn and seek bilingualism.”
“The French Embassy is proud to support the project of the Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques in Saint John. This is a project that the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, had called for and that we have been involved in for several years. This new project is part of our educational cooperation with New Brunswick and the rest of Canada, to support the francophonie. This new Lycée français will be the ninth in Canada; all of them guarantee excellence in education and a widespread openness to the world,” says Michel Miraillet, French Ambassador to Canada.
Beyond bringing new business to the province, the Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques elevates New Brunswick’s value proposition internationally – as a place to live, work, study and invest.
“The Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques is an economic driver for future business, and I welcome them to New Brunswick,” said Premier Blaine Higgs. “Making our province a place where an international institution like the Lycée Franchise wants to locate is part of re-energizing our provincial economy and building on our success.”
The City of Saint John was selected to be home to Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques, for providing a unique historic urban campus nestled on the Bay of Fundy, experiential learning opportunities, a growing world-class waterfront, and exclusive cultural experiences – with more than 20 multicultural associations established in the region.
“Saint John is a city that is always moving forward, and today’s announcement is proof of that. We couldn’t be prouder to have Lycée International Français choose Saint John – Canada’s first incorporated city – for their Atlantic Canada campus,” says City of Saint John Mayor Donna Noade Reardon. “Steeped in history and heritage, and known for our unique location, lifestyle, and friendly people, we look forward to welcoming international students and faculty from around the world to live, work and study in our beautiful city.”
To learn more about Lycée International Français des Provinces Atlantiques, visit their website here:
Media Inquiries:
Jillian MacKinnon, VP of Marketing, Communications & Strategic Initiatives
[email protected]
506-658-2877 ext.115
Erin White, Communications Manager, City of Saint John
[email protected]
Sylvain Olivier
CEO of the Lycée international français dans les Provinces atlantiques (LIFPA).
[email protected]
Emilie Cabouat, Press Attachée, French Embassy to Canada
[email protected]
+1 514 216 5433